Monday, 25 July 2011

Evolve Festival Sydney

I'm really excited to be part of the Evolve Yoga and Wellness Festival in September in Sydney.  I'll be taking a Kundalini Yoga Class on Sunday 4th September from 9am - 10am and then a Kundalini Gong Meditation from 11am - 11:45am.  I hope to see you all there - its always a great experience when the Yoga community to comes together.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


        Meditation means awareness and whatever you do in your life with awareness becomes a meditation. Listening to music is a meditation if it is free from any distraction to the mind.  Meditation is a tool for understanding the nature of the mind, rather than fighting with it.  Many of us are controlled by our thoughts or feelings and we often think we are those thoughts and feelings.  Meditation is the state of simply being, just pure experiencing, with no interference from the body or mind. It’s a natural state but one which we have forgotten how to access. Techniques are needed only until the state of meditation – of relaxed awareness, of consciousness and centering becomes an intrinsic part of your life.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

London Workshop 16 & 17 July

Hi Everyone,
Just reminding all of you based in London that I have a workshop on this Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July at Alchemy.  We will be going on 'A Journey Through The Chakras'.  I welcome you all to come and hope to see you there.
Love and Blessings


Is Kundalini Yoga a Religion?

No, Kundalini Yoga (and yoga in general) is not a religion.  It is a technology for health and consciousness that predates religion. It is practiced by people of all faiths and Kundalini yoga teachers represent many paths including Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Sikh, and others. Yogi Bhajan's background was in Sikhism and he was influential in originally presenting Kundalini yoga in conjunction with the path of Sikh Dharma.  As currently taught, Kundalini teachers can be recognized by the use of white clothes and head covers - often turbans - which, aside from outward religious appearance and personal beliefs, are practical yogic techniques for enhancing the aura and containing energy.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Candelight Puja Ceremony

Last Thursday at my Meditation group we welcomed Khandro Thrinlay Chodon, an inspiring Buddhist teacher who lead us through a Candlelight Puja Ceremony.  This is a beautiful ritual and in the words of Khandro:  'We work together and create a mandala of your heart. The beauty of the mandala brings peace to our planet and accumulates merit to benefit countless beings’.  For more info on Khandro and the work she does please see 

Eating, Vegetarianism and Yoga

You don’t have to be a vegetarian to learn yoga, but we do encourage and recommend it, as there are many benefits over a non-vegetarian diet. Your body will feel lighter and your mind will feel clearer. But at the end of the day, we are all responsible for ourselves, and our lifestyle choice should be our own, with no judgement from anyone else.

There are three types of food (see below) and a non-vegetarian diet comes under the second category. Foods that enhance a vegetarian diet are called Satvik foods, which include lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and grains which gives you more energy and focus.  It is your choice whether you want to feel tired, lethargic and sleepy or energized, focused and alert?

a) One that causes activity (Rajasik).
b) One that causes sleep or lethargy (Tamasik).
c) One that keeps the mind calm and centred (Satvik).

It is good to wait about two hours after eating before you practice yoga and meditation, as this will help you to digest your food and gain the maximum benefits. It is easier and more comfortable to practice asanas on an empty stomach. In addition when there is little food in the digestive track and waste in the bowels, energy moves more freely throughout the body. If you eat too close to yoga practice, gravity causes food in the stomach to slide up the esophagus. At worst, regurgitation may occur or a burning sensation may be felt as stomach acid reaches the sensitive tissue of the oesophagus.  If you must eat before a class, eat something light and easily digestible, like a piece of fruit or soup!

Friday, 1 July 2011

How do I know if Kundalini Yoga is for me?

     If the answer is YES to any of these questions then it probably is!

  • Do I need greater energy levels?
  • Do I feel lacking in enthusiasm and creative inspiration?
  • Would I like to reduce my stress levels?
  • Do I have excess weight that I would like to lose?
  • Do I suffer from headaches?
  • Am I feeling isolated or disconnected from life?
  • Do I feel detached from myself?
  • Do I suffer from lack of self -love?
  • Am I lacking in self- confidence?
  • Do I have problems with commitment?
  • Do I have an illness that I would like to heal?
  • Do I suffer from insomnia?
  • Am I working in a job that requires constant sitting?
  • Do I have a desire to attain a higher level of awareness?
  • Do I have trouble concentrating?
  • Do I have trouble completing a task?
  • Would I like to gain more flexibility?
  • Do I suffer from asthma?
  • Do I, or have I suffered from addictive behavior or addiction of any kind