Monday 23 May 2011

The 1st Chakra - The Root Chakra

'The Presence’ - How I See Myself

The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine is the centre of our regeneration and our creativity:  it stores our vital force, stimulating all the cells in every part of the body. It is concerned with basic security, survivial and existence. It represents our image of SELF, of our presence on Earth, and is full of all our experiences, particularly those of early childhood.

The first Chakra functions are very important in our modern life.  Surrounded by pollution and chemicals it is essential for our survival to eliminate these toxins through the first chakra (ie: anus and large intestine).


*When this chakra is balanced/unblocked it can manifest as - valuing oneself, being centered, secure, loyal, grounded, stable and eliminating regularly.

*Suggested Affirmation:  “The Universe looks after my needs.  I trust life.”

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