Monday 30 May 2011

The 3rd Chakra - The Achiever

'What I think about myself' - Action & Balance

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located just above the navel is the centre of our self-confidence (will-power).  It stores faulty concepts of power and its misuse, situations and people that have threatened your self-esteem.

Its energy allows you to accomplish and achieve.  It is the seat of our mental body. In this Chakra we explore personal power; is it to empower oneself or is it to have power over others?

COLOUR: Yellow

*When this chakra is balanced/unblocked it can manifest as - willingness to initiate and complete action, confidence, willpower, awareness of the effect of one’s actions upon others, leadership skills.

*Suggested Affirmation:  “I claim my personal power and accept responsibility for all areas of life.”

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