Monday 11 April 2011


“What you think you become” (Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948)

I recently started teaching meditation classes at my home studio near the cliffs above Bondi Beach. I am blessed to have found this beautiful space where I can share the benefits of Kundalini meditation. It isn’t often that we have an opportunity to experience long meditations in a yoga class, so I was inspired through writing my book on meditation to focus more on extended meditations so students could realize the full benefits.

Our minds can be overloaded with so much information in this computer age that we become overwhelmed, finding it challenging to process our thoughts. Meditation is a great tool to download those chaotic thoughts from your brain and bring the mind back into stillness, so our information them becomes clearer and more purposeful.

The last two meditation classes I focused on simple breathing techniques to balance the mind as well as heart and healing meditations. One newcomer commented how much she enjoyed the class and how well she slept. The only problem is that she lives far away, so she said it was difficult for her to come to a class regularly.

This got my thinking, why not record the meditations that I teach and post them on YouTube.  Then everyone can tune in and experience the benefits of these powerful and effective meditations!  So I haven't started yet but this is my intention and I'll let you know when I put up my first posting.

‘Meditation brings wisdon; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,and choose the path that leads to wisdom.’ Buddha

This profound quote by Buddha reinforces my feelings about how important it is to still the mind even if it is just for 5 minutes a day!  Take the time to create space and to listen to that deep intuitive wisdom that can guide you on your path.

 ‘Go inside and listen to your inner voice. Every question has an answer. Your soul is full of wisdom and knows the way.’ Yogi Bhajan

1 comment:

Vita-Rafaela Marguin said...

Sat Nam Bella, I did a great meditation this AM, the Aad Guray Nameh one. I like!