Monday 6 June 2011

The 5th Chakra - The Throat Chakra

‘How I express Myself’ - The power of the word, communication, speaking the truth and the Teacher.

The Throat Chakra, located at the top of the breastbone, is the centre for the expression of creativity, love and abilities.  It influences the thyroid gland which effects the balance of the entire nervous system, metabolism, muscular control and body temperature.  The throat chakra must be cleared in order to express your potential, once the heart chakra is open.

COLOUR: Light Blue

*When this chakra is balanced/unblocked it can manifest as, always voicing the truth (honoring the word), authenticity, knowledge and the ability to communicate that effectively, inspiring, teaching and embodying God’s will.

*Suggested Affirmation: “I express my deepest truth gracefully, respectfully and confidently.”

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