Thursday 9 June 2011

The 6th Chakra - The Brow Chakra

‘The Visionary’ - How I perceive Myself.  Known as the third eye (intuition, wisdom).

The brow Chakra located in the middle of the forehead just above the space between the eyes.  It is the centre of vision and perception.  The pituitary gland (master gland) is located here and it is there that you reach the integrity and integration of personality.  It is from here that you get the sense of intuition and the direction you want to take.  It is where the major channels of energy come together (positive = sun+ moon = negative / Ida+ Pingala +Sushmuna).  It is the eye that goes beyond the 2 eyes.  The 2 eyes give you dimension in the normal world and the third eye gives you depth and dimension into the subtle worlds.

ELEMENT:  Light (beyond the elements)
COLOUR:  Indigo

*When this chakra is balanced/unblocked it can manifest as, clear perception, developed intuition, psychic abilities-clairvoyance, seeing energy within and beyond matter and form, power of projection and understanding your purpose.

*Suggested Affirmation: “I always receive and perceive the guidance I need.”

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