Monday 27 June 2011

What happens in a Kundalini Yoga Class?

Each Kundalini Yoga class follows a similar structure designed for optimal results physically, mentally, and emotionally, but no class is completely the same as there are over 8,000 yoga sets and meditations to choose from.  All Kundalini classes begin with a time for centering. The teacher leads the class in the mantra, Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo. Students may chant or listen, as they like.  The class then is lead in 10-20 minutes of warm-up exercises, which prepare the body for the yoga sets (kriyas) that follow.  After warm-ups, yoga sets (kriyas) are begun.  Each yoga set involves physical postures (asana), breath work (pranayama), and meditative focus. Yoga is followed by a short meditation. Class ends with a long, deep relaxation that allows time for regeneration, stress release, and peace.  Each class closes with a song of blessing, in which students can sing along or listen.  After class, students may relax or visit. At this time, the teacher is also available to answer questions. 

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